Friday, November 4, 2011

An Open Letter to Merrill Lynch

Dear Merrill Lynch--
Thank you for your unsolicited email, letting me know that there's been a Great Global Shift in wealth. Gee, I never could have figured that one out for myself. Please remove my email address from whatever list you put it on.

Ever on guard against spam and its attendant misdeeds, I didn't click on your email, but instead went to the front page of your website. Sure enough, the promise of the Great Global Shift video is right there with a nice, prominent button to view it online. However, when I click on the button, your website opens up the still image that's on the front page. Nothing more.

Now come on, fellas, if you're going to purloin a mailing list (I never signed up for anything on ML or BofA), and launch a big push to grow your bottom line--with its attendant management bonuses--by getting ever more small investors' hard-earned money into your pockets, the very least you could do is make sure that the link on your front page is working properly.


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