Monday, November 7, 2011

Divine Wrath

Three earthquakes jolted the United States over the weekend. Saturday morning, an earthquake of magnitude 4.7 hit 40 miles outside of Oklahoma City; by Saturday night, a second quake hit the same area. This time it was a magnitude 5.6, and was felt all the way into Wisconsin.

The third quake, 3.1 in magnitude, seems to have been dubbed the "Berkeley quake." It hit during the day on Saturday. Its epicenter was in Piedmont, near Berkeley but actually a neighborhood of Oakland (and a very high-rent one at that). You remember Oakland, the town where the cops beat up Kayvan Sabeghi, a veteran Marine who defended our freedom in Iraq, because he dared exercise that freedom during Occupy Oakland?

If I hear one more right-winger speculate that the "Berkeley" quake was in retribution for San Francisco's gay marriage law, I think I'll puke.

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