Friday, September 5, 2003

The California Gubenatorial Recall Election

The California recall strikes at the foundation of our democracy: that in America leaders succeed each other in fair and orderly elections. After Impeachment, after Florida and now with the Texas redistricting mess, the pattern could not be more clear: the current Republican leadership isn't just attacking Democrats, it's undermining democracy.

Help Move On mobilize one million Californians against the recall, to dramatically increase voter turnout and beat the recall decisively. We have until October 7 to defeat the recall. Sign their nationwide pledge and ask your California friends and family to vote No Recall by clicking here:

If the recall succeeds, it will set a dangerous precedent for the whole country. A far-right businessman spent $1.7 million to bring us the recall campaign, and has thrown California into chaos. GOP leaders who should have condemned the recall instead cheered it on, hoping they could gain from the unraveling of our democracy.

We can't stand by and let this happen. These attacks on democracy are not a California issue or a Texas issue or a Florida issue -- we all must step forward together and make it clear that elections will be honored in this country.

Sign the "Recall No! Democracy Yes!" pledge today:

The pledge:

IN CALIFORNIA: "I pledge to vote No Recall on October 7th. I pledge to talk to my friends and family about this dangerous challenge to democracy and to encourage as many as possible to vote on election day."

NATIONWIDE: "The recall is not a California issue -- it is an attack on American democracy. I stand with California voters who are fighting for democracy by opposing the recall."

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