Tuesday, April 8, 2003

My Brother asked why I put the body count statistic on my home page. I replied to remind people that war is not without its costs. Here's his reply: No kidding! You mean people die? What war isn't without it's costs? Do you think the would be safer with or without Saddam? If you think it would be safer without him, what price do you put on his removal from out midst? I hate the thought of our soldiers and the civilians dying. But like everything else, there are tough choices that must be made. Now, that may seem easy to say while I'm sitting safe in my home with my kids, but it's those kids that I'm thinking of. The thought of them being in the same world as that madman is terrifying. His removal was necessary. Ask any of the world's doves, even those in Israel. I did when I was there. Their most famous dove, Shimon Perez, responded to that question by saying that the only way Saddam Hussein will ever disarm is, unfortunately, with force. This was in his office in Jerusalem last December when we were there. I too am saddened to see the death that war generates. I'd be more saddened if one of Saddam's tirades resulted in a chemical release, killing tens of thousands, maybe even here in the US. Do you doubt he has or was working on that capability? And do you know what kind of apology we'd get for that? France's puppet Hans would say something like "oops, I gues I missed that one". Bigger (but younger!) Bro

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