Sunday, October 6, 2013

The Invisible Chick Factor

We've been hearing a lot lately about how gerrymandering has created Republican congressional "safe" seats. As was so aptly pointed out by John Oliver on The Daily Show last week, Louisiana's sixth congressional district was just about drawn block-by-block to make it safe for Republicans. The same is true of the 4th district in North Carolina. However, there's one factor that cannot be controlled this plot to end all government-takeover plots: no one, not even the highest paid Republican strategist at the controls of the most sophisticated computer, can gerrymander a district to favor one gender over another.

I believe that's the key to putting a stop to out-of-line Republicans: first, run decent Democratic candidates against them in Republican gerrymandered districts. Then aim for the female vote.

That shouldn't be too difficult. Even in Louisiana, women are loathe to give up their access to health care and birth control, and maybe even lose the vote. It's time to scare the feces out of them that these things could easily happen if they continue to vote Republican. Then get them to the polls!

There are actually just a handful of districts that the Republicans can consider seriously "safe," where they can continue to "primary" moderates out of contention with impunity. Why not make those districts unsafe by focusing on women voters there?

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