Thursday, September 20, 2012

An Ode to the Conservatism of the Good Old Days

In this article, Henry Olsen, a VP of the American Enterprice Institute, displays a textbook case of cognitive dissonance. He recognizes that Romney gives conservatism a black eye, but will vote for him anyway, and hope that sometime, somewhere, the "shining city on the hill" will re-emerge.

Henry, your shining city is terribly tarnished right now and is likely to remain so until the pedagogues of the far right have been utterly discredited and sent back into the caves from which they arose. If your really believe that the President who's slowly but surely pulling America out of the last mess you guys made is so "unacceptable," you'd be much better off sitting this one out and refocusing your efforts toward recruiting and electing conservatives who understand and care about this nation and its citizens

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