Sunday, July 24, 2011

Forward to the Past

I'm currently reading a book by Robert Bonfil, Professor of Jewish History at The Hebrew University of Jerusalem. The book, "Jewish Life in Renaissance Italy," recounts the rather widespead immigration of Jews into several of the republics of Italy during the 15th and 16th centuries. Jews were permitted immigrate to urban areas mostly to serve as money lenders to the poor.

The author points out that these money lenders served a useful and necessary role in Italian society because the rulers of the republics had no interest in taking care of the poor or elevating their living standard. The author gives two reasons: first, poverty enabled Christians to practice "charity;" and second, a poor underclass provided cheap labor, particularly for working the land. Nonetheless, the rulers of the time understood that in order to be of any use, the poor would require a minimal subsistence. How convenient that Jews expelled from Spain, Portugal, Sicily, Napoli and elsewhere during the Inquisition were available to fill this need.

Oh dear, thought I as I read this. That's exactly what the Tea Party types seem to be trying to accomplish here. By getting government out of the assistance (and education) business, they can create an underclass which will serve them on the cheap. They and their overlords are promoting return to the European feudal system of old. Europe has subsequently outgrown this barbaric system, and here we are, rapidly moving toward it. No wonder these characters want the US to default: That will dry up the credit on which people have been eeking by. Look for small-time money lenders to start showing up. I sure hope this time Jews won't be pushed into this role.

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