Friday, August 6, 2010

What were you thinking, Al?

This morning, I finally understood why comedy and tragedy are two sides of the same coin. Here's a letter I just sent to Senator Al Franken, after he screwed up royally on the Senate floor yesterday.
Yesterday, I received an email from the Progressive Change Campaign Committee, asking me to call my Senator, Jeff Bingaman, and urge him to sign your statement calling for Elizabeth Warren to lead the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. I hate making phone calls, but this issue is so important to the American people that I spent the better part of the day yesterday screwing up my courage to do it.

Then I heard on the news this morning about your foolish antics from the dais of the Senate Floor. I was crushed! How can I contact my Senator and ask him to sign up with the Class Clown?

Recently, you've taken up two of the most important causes (Warren and Net-neutrality) to protect the American people from the big-business interests who are swallowing us alive. I was so proud, so hopeful. Way to go, Al!

Then apparently Stuart Smalley moved in and shot you in the foot. Your Smalley psyche has made it all the more difficult for these key causes to be taken seriously.

I'm glad you apologized to Senator McConnell, but believe me, he wasn't the one whom you hurt. The American people are hurting, and for a brief time, some of us thought you might be able to help. Instead, we now fear that you may be the Second Biggest Buffoon that Minnesota has sent to Washington.

I will call Senator Bingaman today, but only to ask him to support Warren, not to sign your statement. As for you, perhaps you could take advantage of that delicious healthcare you're getting now, and get some help.

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