Sunday, November 16, 2003

Hey, Hagar, Stop Bitching and Get a Life

Bro suggested I read this article:

Here's my response:

Did you read Mahathir Mohamad's entire speech? Yes, he peppered it with an anti-semitic invictive ("...and now they [the Jews] run the world by proxy..."), but his main message was one that every Moslem would do well to heed: "Stop whining and get a life!"

In this past week's parshah (Torah reading), we read about Hagar, Sarah's Egyptian maid who bore Ishmael to Abraham. Ishmael, who was to become the progenitor of the Arab (read that Moslem) peoples, was acting up around Sarah's son Isaac, and Sarah asked Abraham to send him and his mother packing. Abraham inquired of God, who told him to comply with his wife's wishes.

Abraham sent mother and son away with adequate provisions. However, instead of taking a direct route to the nearest town, Hagar wandered around in the wilderness until the skein which Abraham had given her ran out of water. As Ishmael grew weaker and weaker, she set him on the ground, under a rock, and sat down to cry away from him because she couldn't bear to watch him die.

God heard Ishmael crying and called out to Hagar, "Hey lady, your kid is dying and all you can do is cry about it. If you'd just look around you, you'd see that there's a stream right in front of you." Hagar saw it and gave Ishmael water and he lived to fight another day.

I tell you this story because Hagar is the archetype for the Moslem world. She much preferred to bitch about her terrible fate than care for her dying son or take a look to see if there was some water to save him. She kinda reminds me of the mothers of suicide bombers who send their kids off to kill and be killed.

Mahathir Mohamad was right in just about everything he said. It's time that Moslems wake up and start using their heads instead of bellyaching about their lousy fate. It's just a shame that he had to throw an invictive in there to get his audience to listen.

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