Tuesday, June 17, 2003

A Reply From Dr. Clark The following letter came from Dr. Judy MacArthur Clark, chairwoman of the Farm Animal Welfare Council of England, in reply to my letter posted below. Dear Linda I appreciate your comments. I agree that, as I understand it, the Jewish method of slaughter is historically based upon a wish to be as humane as possible in treating the animal in its last few moments of life. In ancient days this was certainly the case with the Schechita method. And I'm sure my own ancestors were far less humane. However the world has moved forward and I am convinced (from personal observation and from scientific evidence) that the most humane way to slaughter an animal is to rapidly stun it so that it immediately loses consciousness, and then to kill it before it has any opportunity to recover consciousness. I am hopeful that we can all find a middle road which is acceptable to those concerned about the pain animals may experience, and to those who are trying to meet the demands of their religions. Please understand that the view of my Council is based purely upon welfare and is not an expression of disapproval of any form of religious belief. The scientific evidence shows clearly that cattle may be conscious for periods up to 40 seconds after their throats are cut. Calves for up to two minutes. These are long times to suffer. Perhaps we must agree to differ just now - but maintaining a dialogue is very important if we are to achieve ultimate resolution. Yours Judy Dr Judy MacArthur Clark DVMS DLAS DipECLAM FIBiol MRCVS Veterinary Director BioZone Ltd and BioZone Inc Tel: +44 1843 232090 and +1 803 547 8826 Fax: +44 1843 228875 and +1 803 547 0635 email: judy@biozone-eu.com www.biozoneglobal.com

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