Tuesday, June 3, 2003

Can Dean Dig Dems out of Doldrums? Chastiser Rep. Chuck SchumerI received an email message from Charles Schumer (who doesn't even represent my state) chastising me for not re-upping my membership in the Democratic party. Why should I? What do they have to offer me that I can't get from voting Green or sitting out 2004 altogether? All Schumer could come up with in his message was more Dem hand wringing about jobs and health care. You bet those are important issues, and I'm one of the first who would benefit from the Democrats coming along and fixing both (how do you think I have all this time to blog?). But come on, folks, our current administration just got done fighting a war on bogus grounds (anyone read Paul Krugman today? look below), turning our airwaves over to their buddies in exchange for a pile of loophole campaign cash and a boy-in-khaki election-time documentary, and rewarding the rest of their supporters with a lucious tax cut at the expense of 25 million of America's poorest children (not to mention the rest of us). Go-It-Alone Gov. Dr. Howard DeanIf someone doesn't take the gloves off and start disrobing the emperor, I'm gonna sit the next one out, and probably start looking for a real democracy in which to spend the rest of my days (I hear Europe is full of them nowadays). If Dr. Dean (no, not Adel!) is up to the job, I'm all for him. In fact, I suggest visiting his website at www.deanforamerica.com and taking a look for yourself.

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